How to Take Care of a Dental Crown

How to Take Care of a Dental Crown

Dental crowns are a great way to restore the function and appearance of damaged teeth. Crowns help protect teeth from further decay or damage, and they also help patients enjoy a natural looking smile again.

Many patients will never have to worry about the replacement of their crowns if they do their best to maintain their crowns. Fortunately, there are some good general guidelines that can help you maintain the best care for your dental crown.

Understanding Crowns

Crowns are basically a cover for a damaged or decayed tooth. The crown is specifically designed and made for each patient. This means that in many cases it will look and function just like a natural tooth.

Crowns that are more visible are created with materials that mimic your tooth’s natural appearance. Dental crowns that are on the molars or premolars may be made of a harder substance that allows the strength to chew and grind your food without damaging your crown.

Installing a Dental Crown

Many offices schedule a single appointment to place your crown. This means that you’ll come in and all your dental work will be completed by the time that you leave. Patients experience a minimal level of discomfort, and any issues are usually resolved and healed in just a few days.

Care for Your Crown

Typically, dental crowns don’t require a lot of specific requirements to care and maintain. If you follow good dental health, there shouldn’t be much of a change in your routine or the products that you use.

  • Brush Twice Daily – Whether you have a crown or not, we recommend brushing twice a day to help keep the mouth clean from sugars and bacteria that adhere to the teeth. These buildups can cause cavities and unnecessary wear on the enamel of your teeth. As the enamel breaks down, it leaves the teeth susceptible to infection, disease, and decay. You should brush for two minutes each time. Maintaining your oral hygiene will improve the health of your crown.
  • Floss Daily – Flossing helps to remove anything that brushing misses from areas between the teeth. There are special flosses available for patients who have crowns. Talk to our dentist if you have any questions or want a recommendation on types of floss.
  • Use Gum Stimulators – Gum stimulators can be especially helpful for patients who have crowns. The crown fits over the top of the tooth and goes down to the gum line. However, there may be a possible infection of the natural tooth at the gums. In order to maintain healthy gums, many patients use gum stimulators. Gum stimulators are small rubber tipped dental instruments that help stimulate the gums and provide improved oxygenated blood flow. This helps to flush out toxins and keep the gums healthy and disease-free.
  • Get Regular Checkups – You should visit our dentist twice a year for regular dental appointments. These appointments use specialized equipment to keep your teeth clean and free of any buildup. Our dentist can also check to see if there are any concerns when they are minor and possible to repair.

Recognizing Problems with Your Dental Crown

Sometimes a dental crown can come loose or fall completely off a tooth. This can be due to the deterioration of the cement that holds the tooth in place, further tooth decay, a broken crown, or a traumatic injury.

If your crown becomes loose or dislodged, it is important to schedule a dental appointment immediately. In the case of a crown that is removed, you can use dental adhesive to temporarily hold it in place until you see our dentist.

Call Vero Dental Spa

Dental crowns offer a safe and effective treatment for patients to help correct problems that may be caused by a damaged or broken tooth. If you are considering a dental crown, contact Vero Dental Spa today today to find out more about your options.