Consequences of Delayed Dental Treatments

Have you put off going to the dentist for too long? Balancing careers, families, and day-to-day life can be complicated. When it comes to fitting in appointments, visiting the dentist can easily slip to the bottom of the priority list. At Vero Dental Spa, we want you to understand the gravity and consequences of delayed treatments.

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Consequences of Delayed Dental Treatment

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends visiting your dentist for a check-up every six months. This seems a little like overkill for many people, but the ADA has sound reasons for this recommendation.

When you visit your dentist, you receive a comprehensive examination of your teeth and mouth. Your dentist has the professional equipment and knowledge to identify potential oral problems early – often before they cause any pain, discomfort, or other symptoms. This is important because they can quickly address minor dental issues before they develop into larger, more complicated ones!

What Happens When You Miss Treatments?

  • Even after going to a check-up and learning that you have a dental problem requiring treatment, you might be tempted to find a few reasons to delay.

    Common reasons cited for delaying dental treatment include:

    • Finding time to attend the appointment
    • Being unable to take time off to recover after treatments
    • Being worried about the pain.

    However, you could make your situation far worse by avoiding or waiting to have essential dental treatment. Typical consequences include:

  • Development of Undesirable Symptoms

    Depending on the type of dental treatment you need, this could include bleeding gums, a foul taste in your mouth, and noticeably bad breath.

  • Pain and Discomfort

    Pain and discomfort from cavities, damaged teeth, and infection will get worse, not better. The longer you leave your treatment, the more pain you will experience living with the problem.

  • Longer and More Complex Treatments

    As dental problems develop, they can often impact other elements of your oral health, creating further issues to be addressed. Delaying your initial treatment could make it much more complicated. Something that should have only required an hour in the chair may take multiple hours or even multiple visits.

  • Increased Risk of Complications

    The more complex the dental treatment you require, the higher the risk of developing complications.

  • Longer Recovery Time

    Small dental jobs, such as cavity fillings, can be completed in a lunchtime, and you’ll feel back to normal after a few hours. However, with more complicated procedures, you may need to take off work for a few days, and it may take longer for you to eat and drink as normal.

  • Increased Expenses

    Yes, you guessed it! The increased complexity of procedures means increased expenses. That little cavity filling you put off because you were worried about the cost could lead to dental work that’s a lot harder on your wallet.

    High-quality dental care is one investment that always pays off. Don’t delay your regular check-ups and recommended treatments – you could end up paying much more for it in the long run!

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Consultation or 2nd Opinion

  • Exam
  • Full mouth X-ray
  • Private Consultation with Doctor ($350 value)

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