Preventive Dental Care in Vero Beach for a Lifetime of Optimal Oral Health

Your general dentist in Vero Beach, Dr. Jonothan Royal, has one goal when he sees teeth — protect and preserve every single one at all costs. Why does he think this way? Because preventing problems and damage before they occur will ensure you and your smile are free from pain and discomfort down the road. There are two other significant benefits of relying on preventive dentistry in Vero Beach with a trusted general dentist. They are:
BENEFIT # 1) You’ll spend less time with your general dentist in the chair because your teeth and gums are healthy and disease-free.
BENEFIT #2) You won’t be in the office as much, so you won’t have to worry about dental bills and insurance costs.
Preventive dentistry in Vero Beach doesn’t discriminate by age — it can help everyone, especially children. We want to see them early so they can associate going to the dentist with a fun, educational experience.
General Dentistry: Services for Every Smile
Regular visits to your Vero Beach general dentist are one of the best things you can do for both yourself and your smile. We can monitor your mouth for any changes or abnormalities as time goes by and keep your smile clean and healthy. Some patients need a little help to get their teeth and bite back in shape!
Root Canals
Don’t worry about these two little words. Root canals are more painless and easier than ever before, thanks to our advanced technology and treatment techniques. We can clear out and clean up your infected tooth in no time.
TMJ Therapy
Do you have relentless jaw pain that you mask with medications? It’s time you talked to your general dentist in Vero Beach about getting rid of your discomfort and getting your bite back.
Periodontal Therapy
Without your gums, you’d have no teeth! That’s why periodontal or gum therapy is so important. Gum disease is no joke and is most common in adults. If you have bleeding gums, talk to us to learn more about our laser treatment.

Get Your Complimentary
Consultation or 2nd Opinion
- Exam
- Full mouth X-ray
- Private Consultation with Doctor ($350 value)