Benefits and Side Effects of Sedation Dentistry

Benefits and Side Effects of Sedation Dentistry

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Does the idea of going to the dentist make you cringe from anxiety? Do you feel panicky and short of breath when you get to the dentist’s office? At Vero Dental Spa, we offer a variety of techniques to combat dental fear for our patients.

It is our mission to make patients feel comfortable and calm for every dental visit. One technique we use for treating dental anxiety is sedation dentistry. If you fear going to the dentist, you might benefit from sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry can also help patients with low pain tolerances, sensitive gag reflexes, and need many treatments done in one sitting.

  • What is Sedation Dentistry?

    Sedation dentistry is the use of medicine to help patients relax during dental treatments. Sedation is used for simple teeth cleanings, cavity fillings, and more advanced treatments, like dental implants. Sedation dentistry allows patients to feel completely at ease without pain or stress during their treatments.

  • Degrees Of Sedation for Dental Procedures

    Multiple levels and types of sedation can be used, depending on the degree of anxiety and the extent of the treatment.

    In mild sedation cases, you are awake but feel more relaxed.

    With moderate levels of sedation, sometimes referred to as “conscious sedation,” you will experience levels of drowsiness, in which you might slur your words and not fully remember the procedure.

    In dentistry, we use various types of sedations to achieve mild to more intense sedative effects. In most cases, you can be in a completely relaxed state, speak and respond with the dentist, but not remember much of the procedure. Patients tend to come out of sedation feeling calm.

  • Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

    Many adults, children, seniors, and teenagers suffer from dental anxiety. Children are more challenging to treat since they’re less likely to cooperate during the dental visit and aren’t typically eligible for oral sedation. Nitrous oxide is often used to treat children with dental anxiety safely.

    Sedation dentistry can help many patients calm down during their dental visits. Those with generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, or other emotional disorders can benefit from the calming effects of sedation dentistry.

    Sedation dentistry can help patients with dental fear that need oral surgery, like root canals, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, and more. For patients requiring more advanced dental work and want to get it completed in one visit, sedation dentistry allows them to remain comfortable during all procedures without taking breaks.

    You might also consider sedation dentistry if you have a sensitive gag reflex, a hard time sitting still, a low pain threshold, or sensitive teeth.

  • What Are the Side Effects of Sedation Dentistry?

    Sedation dentistry is generally safe, especially when an experienced dentist administers it. The biggest side-effect of some forms of sedation dentistry is that you can’t operate a vehicle after your treatment and need someone to drive you home.

Side Effects of Oral Sedation

Patients opting for oral sedation might experience some side effects. The most common ones include:

  • Amnesia

    Sometimes, patients will experience amnesic effects from oral sedatives, where they cannot remember much about the dental treatment. Most patients consider this advantageous, as they will not have to remember bad memories from the procedure!

  • Dry Mouth

    A common side effect of oral sedation medication is dry mouth, as these decrease saliva production. Dry mouth will subside after the drug wears off and can make it easier for the dentist to perform some treatments.

  • Hiccups

    A few patients experience hiccups from oral sedation medication, but they usually last for a few minutes.

  • No Effects

    Some patients – typically smokers or patients on other drugs – might not feel any anti-anxiety effects from oral sedation.

    Before beginning a treatment or requesting sedation, you should make sure we’re fully aware of your complete medical history. We will especially need a list of your allergies and current medications.

Learn More About Sedation Dentistry in Vero Beach, FL

  • At Vero Dental Spa, we understand how dental anxiety can cause patients to avoid treatments. If you’re nervous about your next dental appointment or need extensive dental work completed, consider sedation. We offer many relaxation techniques and sedation options to keep you calm throughout your appointment. We want to improve the quality of your life during and after your visit to our office. Schedule a consultation by calling us today!

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