Permanent Porcelain Implant Bridgework

Teeth Next Day® Permanent Porcelain Implant Bridgework

Your smile is an important asset. Feeling comfortable smiling, eating, and speaking provides a sense of self-confidence and supports emotional health and well-being. Many of our patients are searching for teeth replacement options that closely resemble natural teeth to look younger and feel their best.

teeth next day® permanent zirconia implant bridge

Porcelain Implant Bridgework offers many full-arch dental implant patients a premium option for permanent teeth replacement. This highly aesthetic bridge is unique – in most cases, only the teeth are replaced and not the gum tissues, leaving no pink flange around the bridge. The result is a permanent set of strong teeth that look so similar to natural teeth that nobody will know the difference.

If you’re looking for the best option available in full-arch teeth replacement, the permanent porcelain bridge is it!

The Permanent Porcelain Implant Bridge is usually supported by eight dental implants instead of four or six, so more jawbone must be available to spread the implants around the entire arch. For this reason, not all patients are candidates for a Permanent Porcelain Implant Bridge.

Using a 3D CT scan diagnosis, we can determine if you have adequate bone density for a Permanent Porcelain Implant Bridge. If not, we may recommend a Permanent Nanoceramic Implant Bridge or a Permanent Zirconia Implant Bridge, which are both commonly supported by six dental implants.

Cosmetic Porcelain Implant Bridge

cosmetic porcelain implant bridge

You’ll receive immediate cosmetic temporary bridgework the same day as your implant surgery, so you’ll leave your first appointment with a complete set of attached temporary teeth. Your implants will heal or integrate for three months, and then a Permanent Cosmetic Porcelain Bridge will be custom designed for you. This allows us to customize the length, shape, alignment, and color that best suits you.

The results will be so comfortable and look so good that you won’t even realize they’re false teeth. You’ll look much younger and feel healthier, allowing you to meet new people and smile with confidence.

Speaking naturally without hesitation and eating the foods you enjoy without limitations make life more enjoyable. Most of our patients tell us Teeth Next Day® has completely changed theirs.

Choosing The Right Cosmetic Implant Dentist to Replace Missing Teeth

Call for a Free Consultation

  • Want to make sure you receive high-quality dental implants with exceptional patient care? Call Vero Dental Spa for a complimentary consultation. You’ll have the opportunity to meet our team of dental professionals. We want you to feel comfortable that you’re making the right choice for permanent implant restoration!

consultation Image

Get Your Complimentary
Consultation or 2nd Opinion

  • Exam
  • Full mouth X-ray
  • Private Consultation with Doctor ($350 value)

Working hours

  • Monday: 8am - 5pm
  • Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
  • Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
  • Thursday: 8am - 5pm
  • Friday: 8am - 1pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: Closed