Dental Emergencies: What To Do and What to Expect at Vero Dental Spa

Dental emergencies are stressful, especially if the cause of your dental emergency is dental trauma. One way to alleviate some of the stress of a dental emergency is by choosing a dentist who is experienced in handling dental emergencies.
At Vero Dental Spa, our primary goal in treating your dental emergency is easing your pain and making sure that you’re as comfortable as possible. From there, we want to make sure that you’re happy with the results of your treatment and know which steps will help improve your dental health.
Our emergency dentist in Vero Beach, FL, wants patients to be aware of the steps to take in certain circumstances of dental emergencies. By being prepared and informed, you can navigate dental emergencies with confidence and ensure the best possible outcome for your oral well-being. Contact Vero Dental Spa today at (772) 778-5550.
Actions to Take During a Dental Emergency
When a dental emergency strikes, it’s best to know what steps to take to minimize pain, reduce swelling, and prevent further damage. During a dental emergency, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Stay calm and assess the situation to determine the severity of the emergency, such as:
- Assess your pain
- Take note of any bleeding
- Contact our dentist in Vero Beach, FL
Protocol During an Emergency Dental Appointment

Like other emergency medical treatments, dental emergencies require following a system to help handle your emergency as smoothly and painlessly as possible. Depending on the type of emergency you’re experiencing, the protocol will go as follows:
- Upon arriving at our dental office, we’ll need to gather as much information and history about your dental condition as possible. If you would like to save time, you can print out our paperwork online and have a close friend or family member fill out the necessary information before arriving at our office.
- Next, we’ll need to take x-rays of your dental condition. This will help us assess the extent of the emergency and come up with an efficient treatment plan.
- After getting a good view of your condition, our dentist will discuss all the issues and treatment options to correct the problem and ease your pain.
- We understand that dental emergencies are stressful, and dental treatments require careful consideration. We’ll recommend the most efficient solutions and educate you on each option to make an informed decision on your dental health. Our primary concern is relieving your pain.
When to Go to an Emergency Room Before a Dentist
Some dental emergencies require a trip to our dentist’s office, while more severe emergencies should be treated at a hospital. You should go to the hospital if you’re suffering from a dental emergency or trauma to the face and mouth that needs immediate medical attention, like the following:
Jaw fractures
Jaw dislocations
Severe lacerations or cuts in the face and mouth
An abscess or infection so swollen that it hinders your ability to breathe or swallow
Managing Dental Pain at Home

Dealing with dental pain can be distressing, especially when immediate dental care isn’t readily available. Managing dental pain at home is possible with over-the-counter pain relief options, natural remedies, and self-care techniques. These home remedies are temporary solutions, and seeking professional emergency dental care is crucial for your long-term oral health.
Some remedies to try at home include:
- Rinse with a mild saltwater solution
- Apply a cold compress
- Over-the-counter pain relievers
- Applying clove oil
- Avoid triggering foods and drinks
Common Dental Emergencies
Not all dental issues require immediate attention, but some situations demand prompt care to prevent further complications. Here are common examples of dental emergencies:
- Severe tooth pain that doesn’t subside with over-the-counter pain relievers.
- Knocked-out tooth due to trauma or an accident.
- Broken or severely chipped tooth with visible damage or sharp edges.
- Bleeding gums that won’t stop.
- Lost dental filling or dental crown that causes discomfort or sensitivity.
- Dental abscess or swelling in the mouth.
- Injury to the soft tissues of the mouth, including the tongue, cheeks, or lips.
If you’re unsure whether your situation qualifies as an emergency, contact Vero Dental Spa immediately. Our team will guide you on the next steps.
What to Do After Dentist Hours
Dental emergencies are never convenient, but they can be even more inconvenient when they occur during non-business hours. If you’re dealing with a non-lethal dental emergency after hours, you can still try reaching our office for a recommendation. You might need to seek pain relief treatment from a medical professional at an urgent care facility in some cases.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can stress or anxiety contribute to dental pain?
Yes, stress and anxiety can contribute to dental pain or exacerbate conditions such as teeth grinding or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Managing stress through relaxation techniques or seeking professional support can help alleviate dental pain associated with these factors and help prevent dental emergencies.
What should I do if I have a severe toothache?
If you have a severe toothache, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. In the meantime, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater, use dental floss to remove any food debris, and avoid placing aspirin or other pain relievers directly on the tooth. Over-the-counter pain relievers may provide temporary relief, but dental evaluation and treatment are necessary to address the underlying cause of the toothache.
What should I do if I lose a tooth?
Gently rinse the tooth with water (without scrubbing), and try to place it back into its socket. If that’s not possible, store it in a container of milk or saliva and bring it to your appointment.
Are dental emergencies covered by insurance?
Coverage varies by provider, but many dental insurance plans include emergency care. Contact your insurance company or our office for assistance with claims.
Emergency Dentistry at Vero Dental Spa
If you’re facing a dental emergency, don’t wait. The sooner you seek care, the better the outcome. Call Vero Dental Spa in Vero Beach, FL, at (772) 778-5550 for emergency dental services. Our Vero Beach emergency dentist provides various emergency services, such as root canal therapy, tooth extractions, and more.

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