Are dental implants painful?

Are dental implants painful?

If you are considering dental implants, you may have already started looking into exactly what the procedure involves. Oftentimes, patients considering dental implants are concerned with the likelihood and level of pain from the treatment. In fact, pain is one of the most common concerns with patients planning to get dental implants, particularly once they understand exactly what the procedure entails.

However, before panicking out of fear of painful dental implants, we will debunk some of the myths, so patients know exactly what to expect from dental implant procedures – including likely it is to hurt.

What to Know About Dental Implants

Firstly, let us explain exactly what dental implants are and how they are fitted. Dental implants have two main components. These are:

  • A titanium post
  • A prosthetic tooth created from a porcelain crown

The implant posts are absolutely intrinsic to the design and the element that is dealt with first. This is because the implant posts are inserted into the jaw bone via a hole that has been created in the gum tissue.

After the hole has been drilled and the implant post inserted, the jaw bone will then regrow back around the post, securing it in place in a process that is called osseointegration. After the implant post heals, an abutment is attached to the end, which protrudes out of the top of the gum tissue and it is to this that the second component of the implant, the prosthetic tooth, is attached.

Since your dental implant dentist needs to be sure that the bone has fused around the implant properly, a dental implant procedure usually takes place in two stages. After the implant posts have been fitted, you will be given temporary prosthetics. Once our dentist is happy that the implant procedure has been a success and the posts are firmly in place, patients will be able to be fitted with a custom-designed, custom-colored prosthetic teeth which are attached permanently to the implant posts.

Does the Dental Implant Procedure Hurt?

To ease any discomfort, dental implant procedures will be performed while under the effects of anesthetic. In most instances this will be a local anesthetic that blocks any pain. Patients may still experience some sensations such as pushing or vibrating, but these will not be painful. While local anesthetic is usually sufficient for most patients, patients who are extremely nervous or anxious about the procedure can opt for sedation. Please enquire directly with our dental implant dentist, if you would like dental sedation.

It is normal to experience some degree of pain and discomfort after each stage of the dental implant process, since it is an invasive procedure. However, your dental implant provider will almost certainly prescribe you some pain medication or recommend that take over the counter analgesics.

Exactly where patients will experience the discomfort will largely depend on where in your mouth the implant is located. Patients will find the pain and swelling easy to manage with a compress and over-the-counter pain medication.

Dental Implants Alleviate Pain in the Long Run

Dental implant discomfort will almost always cease within a week, with the majority of the pain disappearing within just a couple of days.

Nevertheless, most patients agree that the benefits of dental implants far outweigh any discomfort felt during or after the procedure. Dental implants are the most successful, natural-looking and long-lasting solution for missing teeth today. Dental implants can stop dental conditions, like gum disease, jaw bone density loss, and more tooth loss, from worsening which can stop dental pain from worsening.

If you are considering a dental implant treatment but are worried about the pain you might experience, our friendly and knowledgeable team would be happy to help put your mind at rest. Call Vero Dental Spa today to schedule a consultation.