What Is All-On-Four® and Why Is It So Well-Liked?

What Is All-On-Four® and Why Is It So Well-Liked?

You may have heard about this standard procedure which can give you a complete set of teeth that are stronger and more durable than dentures from a friend or dentist. If you’re unfamiliar with this procedure, it’s called All-on-Four® in Vero Beach.

This article will examine the marketing hype surrounding this procedure and how it typically works. Here’s all the information you need to understand this innovative procedure.

3D image of all on four dental implants in vero beach

Facts About All-On-Four®

What is All-on-Four®?

Every tooth in your mouth can be replaced with dental implants using the All-on-Four® technique by placing a minimum of four implant posts per arch. They’re an excellent option for people who want to restore their mouth after losing most or all of their teeth. All-on-Four® dental implants may be your best option if you need a quick mouth reconstruction.

Why Is It So Well-Liked?

The procedure is well-liked because it offers a lot of benefits. These advantages are unparalleled in terms of oral health and mouth restoration. A few of the most notable advantages of All-on-Four® are listed below for your information:

  • You can take them off while you sleep.
  • It only requires one dental procedure.
  • They are simple to keep up with.
  • When compared to dentures, they look better.

How All-on-4® May Affect the Health of Your Teeth

  • It Provides a Natural Appearance

You won’t have to be concerned about the false teeth’s color with All on Four because they will have a natural tone and color. Your natural and implanted teeth won’t be distinguishable from one another. After your procedure, you will be able to smile confidently, knowing that you have a complete set of teeth.

  • Better Jaw Performance

Missing teeth can impact your jaw moves and how well you chew or eat. You’ll have better jaw function when you eat thanks to All on Four implants because all your missing teeth will be replaced with false ones. Following your procedure, you’ll regain the strength in your jaw so you can carry on eating and chewing your favorite foods.

  • Maintains the Face and Jaw Structure

Multiple missing teeth can make your face sag and impact your overall facial structure. Having an All-on-Four® procedure will give your face and jaw artificial teeth to hold onto, helping to restore the shape of your face and jaw. This procedure will give your appearance the structure it needs to support your jawbone and keep your face from drooping.

How to Get Ready for Your Procedure

It would help if you got ready for this invasive procedure because it will take place in a day. To help you prepare, you’ll need to unwind because this procedure will take a lot out of your stamina. Don’t drink or smoke the day of or the night before your surgery, and get plenty of rest.

You should take it easy and rest for the first 72 hours following your procedure. Use ice to reduce swelling if you experience it after surgery and pain relievers to lessen your pain and discomfort. Also, avoid extremely hot, cold, sticky, and hard foods.

patient in vero beach undergoing all on four dental implant surgery

Do You Need All-On-Four® in Vero Beach?  

At Vero Dental Spa, our team can provide you with safe and reliable implants to help restore your damaged teeth. Contact us today to learn more about this procedure!

*Nobel Biocare, NobelProcera, NobelGuide and All-on-4 are trademarks of the Nobel Biocare group.