Benefits and Risks of Porcelain Crowns

Dental crowns are a common and popular solution for severely damaged, decayed, or unsightly teeth. They sit comfortably over the top of the affected tooth, restoring its strength, shape, and appearance.
Gone are the days where we’re only limited to unattractive metal crowns that affect our confidence and smile. Developments in new dental technology make porcelain crowns a more prevalent option.
Although a widely performed treatment, porcelain crowns aren’t suitable for every patient. On this page, we’re going to take a look at the benefits and risks of this cosmetic treatment.
Risks of Porcelain Crowns
The biggest risk associated with porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crowns is that the metal component can sometimes be seen through the porcelain coating that covers the tooth. This creates a dark shadow within the tooth.
Benefits of Porcelain Crowns
The biggest benefit of porcelain crowns – and the main reason for their rapid growth in popularity – is the cosmetic solutions they offer.
Learn More About the Benefits and Risks of Porcelain Crowns in Vero Beach, FL
The decision as to which type of porcelain crown is right for you will vary depending on your desired result and budget. We highly recommend that you talk with a doctor, who will be happy to help you decide on the best option for you. Give Vero Dental Spa a call today for more information!

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